Perumpilavu (21.11.22)
The Annual Creative Fest for Senior secondary section, Talent Fiesta-22, was conducted in Ansar English School auditorium with all its pomp and honour. The perfectly organized program provided a wonderful opportunity for the students to showcase their talents. The array of competitions included Group song, National anthem, vattapattu, English anchoring, oppana and thematic dance. Participants from the four houses Ruby, Emerald, Diamond and Sapphire competed with such vigour and enthusiasm. The results of each competition were declared by the judges. After the final judgement Ruby house was declared the overall winners with 103 points followed by Diamond house with 100 points. Emerald house secured 60 points and Sapphire house scored 59 points.
The programme began with the welcome speech by the literary secretary Hana Hazar. The cultural Secretaries Lameeh and Nidha Nesrin delivered the Creative Fest message. The house captains of each house also addressed the gathering. The entire programme came to an end with vote of thanks by Shifa Fathima.