U .P SECTION : Talent Day - 2022- 23
U .P SECTION 2022-23
Talent Day - 2022- 23
Ansar English School- U P Section, Class VII -A conducted their 'Talent Day' on Wednesday 30th November 2022 in the school auditorium. The theme of the programme was " Unity is Strength ". The programme started with a warm up excercise and it was followed by various programmes such as thought of the day , speech ,songs, skit and group dance . The skit presentation was indeed a big success as it reflected the theme of the talent day. Along with the talent day programmes, Senior Secondary students introduced the" Happiness Project" and delivered a speech on the topic ' Stage fear'. One of the students recited "Preamble of Indian Constitution''.Junior Principal Mrs. Sajitha Razak distributed certificates for the winners of CBSE Kalotsav. Junior Principal Mrs. Sajitha Razak and class teacher of VII A Ms.Manciya.K. M addressed and motivated the students.